Their happiness
is key to your success.


Many clinicians are burned out. Yours don’t have to be.

You can’t afford to ignore burnout.

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Replacing people isn’t cheap.

HR told us you spend $1M per physician and 3x the salary per nurse to replace them after burnout drives them away.

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Lost time, lost money.

Smart economists told us you lose at least $7,600 per physician per year because burnout wastes your time. Probably more.

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Patients dump you.

Consumers told us you lose about 30% of your patients because they stopped trusting you and want better service.

What more will it take?

These are the people who cared so deeply, they showed up to a global pandemic to take care of the sick and dying— even when they didn’t have enough PPE. Burnout is awful. And it’s awful that we have to justify a little support for the people who sacrifice their own health and wellness to take care of everyone else.

But, for those who may have missed the headlines….

The costs of burnout.

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Your practice.

Your productivity sucks.

Telling someone burned out to work harder is like telling someone with depression to be happier. It only makes it worse.

People quit.

Burned out clinicians don’t want to work in a place that burns them out. They quit and look for a job that won’t burn them out.

More people quit.

Burnout is contagious, so expect it to rip through your practice like a super-spreader picnic on steroids.

You get canceled.

Have you heard of RBF… resting burnout face? Your patients notice RBF. They tell everyone about it.

Expect to lose lots and lots of money and people.

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Your clinicians.

They are beaten down.

They are emotionally wrecked from grueling hours, late night charting, and seeing more and more patients every year.

They miss out on life.

They skip important family time because patients are often more urgent than their kid’s recital or brother’s wedding.

They feel used.

The system measures their personal worth in billing codes and RVU’s, not on important stuff like saving lives.

They stop working.

They cut back their clinical time or leave the profession because the C-Suite doesn’t think wellness makes “business sense.”

The hopelessness of burnout contributes to suicide.

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Your patients.

They get hurt.

Even the best of us make mistakes when we’re exhausted. Patients can be harmed because things are overlooked.

They pay more, but not to you.

Mistakes cost money, so when some part of care is missed, patients pay more—but they stop trusting you and go somewhere else.

They hate waiting.

Burned out clinicians block their schedules and run behind, so patients wait….and wait…and wait.. just to see someone.

They’re pissed.

When it looks like you don’t care and they can’t even see someone, patients become angry. They tell everyone about it.

Angry patients are telling everyone that you don’t care.

Disrupt widespread burnout today.