Performance is the key to your success.


Most companies dramatically underperform what’s possible.

Yours can be different.


You can’t afford underperformance.

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People leave.

HR told us you spend 2x the annual salary every time someone leaves for something more exciting or better paying.

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Time is wasted.

Smart economists told us you waste 30% of your annual revenue on meaningless meetings and pointless processes.

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People burnout.

America told us that half your workforce is doing the minimum to not get fired because they are burned out and don’t care.


4 costs of underperformance.

Your customers don’t stay your customers.

Your company is playing the price game because your customers don’t see your special uniqueness.

Your workforce thinks their boss is a tyrant.

Not you, of course (that’s why you're here), but other bosses don't know, won’t listen, and don’t care.

You have meetings about having meetings.

You keep doing it this way because that’s how it has always been done. And it gets in the way of actual work.

Your culture sucks and people complain—a lot.

People are burning out. They spend more time complaining about their job instead of just doing it.


Become a top performer today.